
To help you learn more about your SwingSmart take a tour of our How-To section. You’ll find tips from Peter Kostis on using SwingSmart to improve your golf swing, an explanation of the key stats that the SwingSmart displays, and Video Tutorials to help you setup and use your SwingSmart.



Peter Kostis Instructional Videos

Peter Kostis, a top teaching pro and CBS Golf Analyst, has been involved with SwingSmart from the beginning. In fact, he helped make it a game changer by providing crucial input during its development.

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Key Swing Stats

SwingSmart Golf Analyzer INSTANTLY transmits vital measures of your golf swing mechanics to your iPhone/iPad or Android device so you can start implementing changes on the next hole.

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SwingSmart Tutorials

To help you learn more about your SwingSmart, our tutorial videos provide step-by-step instruction on how to use and set-up your device.

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